Monday, November 7, 2016

Reaching Our Potential

Maray na aldaw sa indo gabos.

Hey. It's been a busy week. Elder Bowen, Area President of the Philippines came this week and gave the entire mission a good workshop about missionary work. It was awesome. I'll talk about that in a sec. BUT other than that, we had a super duper busy week. The weather's been doing a lot of raining and we've been doing a whole lot of...well nothing different really because NOTHING CAN STOP MISSIONARIES from sharing the word of God! (Okay I mean we're not invincible or anything. But I love missionary work way too much to let a bit of rain keep me from proselyting. Like come on now.) Anyway, we've done a whole lot of visiting with our investigators which has been awesome. We also got to participate in baptizing the investigators of the Sister Missionaries who are in our ward. It was a great experience. We had a combined zone activity with the Naga Zone this morning. Super fun. We had a couple of activities in a local sports field. Loved it.

But back to the highlight of my week, Elder Bowen's workshop on missionary work and "Who We Are." In essence, he was totally frank in saying, "Okay missionaries. You're working at this level. When you could totally be working at this level," moving his hand bottom to top. He explained in a very bold way that we set goals that should be stretched so much more than we think they should... which is true! As missionaries, we teach the principle of faith in Jesus Christ. Elder Bowen helped me realized that we really have to apply that in our lives when we set our goals and go out every day trying to reach them. We have to push ourselves and really exercise our faith that through Christ, all of our goals really can be achieved. This can be applied to ourselves, as well. We have such high potential. We can do so much more than we think we can. We just have to do all we can every day to reach those goals, and if we're living in accordance with the will of Christ, He'll help us achieve it. If we do our part, He'll do His. So my companion and I push ourselves even more every day. It's really helped me realize what Heavenly Father knows I can become, not only as a missionary, but as His child. Anyway. That's all for this week. Missionary work is a cool thing. Doesn't get old. Have a great week everyone!

-Elder Bondoc

The Canaman Zone (minus 4 missionaries...they went home a bit early because their area is about 2 hours away)

The Baptism! :)

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